Religious beliefs about cremation

Over 50 percent of families in the United States are currently opting for cremation. One of the contributing factors for people choosing cremation over cemetery burial is the wide acceptance of cremation by various religious groups.

Thinking about death is typically not a daily practice (unless you are a Funeral Director), and most people don’t think through every details of their funeral or memorial service. But it is a topic worth talking with family and friends about. For many, it can make the time of loss easier if they know the wishes of their loved one ahead of time. Choosing burial or cremation is an important decision the family must make. Knowing which method a loved one prefers helps the family choose which type of funeral home (or cremation service provider) to select.

Often families considering cremation look for reassurance as it relates to their chosen religion. The first question asked is whether their religion/denomination accept cremation. For the majority of religions, there is no restriction.

cremation services miami

The Christian church
In the Christian church, for example, cremation is fully accepted. Many even cite the scripture found in Genesis 3:19, “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.” (New International Version – NIV).

By the way, Christians preferring traditional burial, relate more to the biblical examples of burial found in both the Old and New Testament including Christ’s burial in the Garden Tomb. Ultimately, it is up to each family’s comfort level with cremation that seems to drive the decisions of Christian believers.

Spiritism (Reincarnation)

In Spiritism, where a key belief is that humans are immortal spirits that temporarily inhabit physical bodies and are reincarnated, cremation is widely accepted. They only ask for a period of time between death and the beginning of cremation. This belief coincides with the belief the spirit can maintain a bond with the body after death for a certain period.

Hinduism is the religion most known for cremating. Hindus believe fire functions as a purifying element, helping the deceased detach from their material body and move to a new dimension. For them, the most important thing is to keep the deceased’s memory alive through their memorial service.

Bahá’í faith and Judaism

Baha’i and Jewish funeral customs do not accept cremations although we have families of this faith choose cremation based on their personal beliefs.

Dignity and respect

The most important takeaway is remembering the entire cremation process is done with care and respect. The thermal process reduces the body to ashes and speeds up the natural process that occurs over time. You also need to know that whatever choice you make honors the deceased’s wishes.

Regardless of which religion you practice, the one constant is having a ceremony or gathering to celebrate and remember the life of a loved one. Local Cremation & Funerals offers both cremation and traditional funeral services at a cost thousands less than most funeral homes. Whether you want a direct cremation, graveside service, or traditional funeral, our experienced Funeral Directors will help coordinate a service that reflects your religious preference and honors the deceased.

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